Background to the Study
The contribution of teachers to education as dynamic and strong tools for developing citizens and their society is indispensable especially in country like Nigeria. The invaluable roles and contributions of teachers to education in the development of an individual and the society cannot be over emphasized. Many nations of the world adopt vibrant and functional teachers’ welfare functional system as an instrument for the promotion of national development as well as effecting social desirable change. Teachers are the back bone of every school, society and nation without teachers teaching and learning will not take place. The term “personal welfare”, “employees’ Welfare” and “teachers’ welfare” are used interchangeable to denote various services provided to teachers’ in addition to wages. Teachers’ welfare benefits seem to be a serious problem in Nigerian education system more especially in primary and secondary schools today. No doubt this persisting problem affects teachers’ job satisfaction and students’ academic achievement. Teachers must be kept motivated at all times through various measures and activities. Teachers’ welfare packages and teachers’ job satisfaction complement one another that are all concerned and their families both at school and at home.
The teacher is regarded as the man or woman who has undergone some
professional/academic training to prepare him or her for the task of facilitating the education of children and young learners in the school. The school on its own part is the structured environment organized to provide or encourage interaction between the teacher and the learner in the complex process of learning. Teaching is seen as a matter of great importance and generally a suitable tool to hand down the people or nation legacies from one generation to another. "Teaching should be regarded as a profession. It is a form of public service which requires of teachers expert knowledge and specialized skills, acquired and maintained through rigorous and continuing study. It also calls for a sense of personal and corporate
responsibility for the education and welfare of pupils in their charge" (Teachers Code of Conduct, 2009,). Indeed, the state of education in Nigeria is below expectation (non-productive) and the level of our teachers' commitment is a reflection of their welfare packages that is not benefiting. President Umaru Yar' Adua believes much more in vision 2020 and that is why he choose education as one of his 7 point agenda, in order to meet up with the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) in 2015 and to make Nigeria one of the top 20
economies countries in the world by the year 2020. The National Policy on Education (2004; 33) Says "Since no education system may rise above the quality of its teachers, teacher education shall continue to be given major emphasis in all educational planning and development "The goals of teacher education among others is to: (a) produce highly motivated, conscientious and efficient classroom teachers for all levels of our educational system; (b) to enhance teachers commitment to the teaching profession. The quality of teachers is as vital as the quality of the students. Experience has shown that owing to social, political, economic and even educational delicacy situation, it has gradually become so
difficult to find teachers who know and are motivated to teach their subject in a better way. However, Stodgily (1974) said that "there would be high level of productivity if on their part the administrators could recognize the teachers needs and provide opportunity for smooth teaching and learning process”.
There is need for teachers' good welfare conditions which would bring about total
commitment for the purpose of productivity in the education sector. To ensure effective job performance in any organization, workers must be involved in articulating their own needs and in participating in the making of vital output through their commitment. (Olaniyan,1990).
Statement of the Problem
Teachers generally seem to be discontented with their teaching jobs and this invariably affects the entire educational system especially secondary schools that provide inputs to higher institutions. The poor standard of education in the country is therefore not unconnected with this problem.
Inadequate motivation of teachers in the state and subsequent lack of job satisfaction make them less committed to their work. Consequently they are not well motivated and do not dedicate their time to proper teaching of students nor prepare their lessons well enough to inculcate all necessary skills using adequate methods. Thus their contributions to the accomplishment of school goals are not very positive. They fail to participate in the projects that promote the tone of the name of the school. Equally, students do not do well in their examinations since they do not acquire correct skills. This results in poor output and consequently job dissatisfaction which is apparent in several forms of misconduct on the part of the teachers.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to examine the Welfare package and teachers job satisfaction in public primary schools in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State
The specific purposes of the study are to:
Research Questions
The following research questions have been raised to guide the study
Research Hypotheses
On the basis of the problems, the following hypotheses have been formulated to pilot the study:
The findings of this study may be useful in the following ways:
They may help primary school managers to appreciate the influence of welfare services on teachers’ performance.
It is hoped that the findings, recommendations and conclusions may be useful to education policy makers by identifying gaps in the existing teachers’ compensation package in Nigeria. Other organizations may use the findings of this study to improve on the welfare package of their employees in order to enhance their performance and productivity.
The findings of this study may contribute to the body of knowledge. The literature review showed that no scientific study had been carried out on welfare on the job satisfaction of teachers in public primary schools in Akure South local government area. To this end, it may contribute to the power house of knowledge. Therefore the study may have farreaching implications not only for academicians but also for the government, polic makers, managers and the private sector.
Scope of the Study
This study attempts to look at the welfare package and job satisifaction of public primary school teachers. ).The welfare packages variables includes prompt payment of staff salaries/allowances and promotions provision of medical/health insurance schemes regular payment of pension/retirement benefits.
Definition of Terms
Remuneration: is considered the pay or other compensation provided in exchange for the services performed; not to be confused with giving (away), or donating, or the act of providing.
Recognition: it is a reward or praise given to university lecturers as a result of his contribution to attainment of institutional goals and his involvement in decision making. It is also a means of giving regard to university lecturers by the management and institution authority.
Promotion: This is university lecturers’advancement and timely upward movement to the next cadre in the system.
In-Service Training: This is the training that is given to employees during the course of employment. Training that is offered to lecturers while they are in service to enhance their teaching skills.
Teacher: A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.
Teachers’ welfare : Teachers’ welfare means taking care of the teachers by the government, private employers, non-governmental organizations, parents, school administrators and the teachers’ trade union directly and indirectly through provision of housing, meals, payment of allowances, construction of classrooms, guidance and counselling, provision of loans, and provision of instructional materials (Goldman, 1999; Rajkuar, 2014; Odeku & Odeku, 2014).
Welfare Packages: Armstrong and rumples define it as items in the total package offered of employee over and above salary which increases their wealth or well-being at some cost to the employee.
Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is a measure of workers’ contentedness with their job, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision.

Background to the Study
The contribution of teachers to education as dynamic and strong tools for developing citizens and their society is indispensable especially in country like Nigeria. The invaluable roles and contributions of teachers to education in the development of an individual and the society cannot be over emphasized. Many nations of the world adopt vibrant and functional teachers’ welfare functional system as an instrument for the promotion of national development as well as effecting social desirable change. Teachers are the back bone of every school, society and nation without teachers teaching and learning will not take place. The term “personal welfare”, “employees’ Welfare” and “teachers’ welfare” are used interchangeable to denote various services provided to teachers’ in addition to wages. Teachers’ welfare benefits seem to be a serious problem in Nigerian education system more especially in primary and secondary schools today. No doubt this persisting problem affects teachers’ job satisfaction and students’ academic achievement. Teachers must be kept motivated at all times through various measures and activities. Teachers’ welfare packages and teachers’ job satisfaction complement one another that are all concerned and their families both at school and at home.
The teacher is regarded as the man or woman who has undergone some
professional/academic training to prepare him or her for the task of facilitating the education of children and young learners in the school. The school on its own part is the structured environment organized to provide or encourage interaction between the teacher and the learner in the complex process of learning. Teaching is seen as a matter of great importance and generally a suitable tool to hand down the people or nation legacies from one generation to another. "Teaching should be regarded as a profession. It is a form of public service which requires of teachers expert knowledge and specialized skills, acquired and maintained through rigorous and continuing study. It also calls for a sense of personal and corporate
responsibility for the education and welfare of pupils in their charge" (Teachers Code of Conduct, 2009,). Indeed, the state of education in Nigeria is below expectation (non-productive) and the level of our teachers' commitment is a reflection of their welfare packages that is not benefiting. President Umaru Yar' Adua believes much more in vision 2020 and that is why he choose education as one of his 7 point agenda, in order to meet up with the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) in 2015 and to make Nigeria one of the top 20
economies countries in the world by the year 2020. The National Policy on Education (2004; 33) Says "Since no education system may rise above the quality of its teachers, teacher education shall continue to be given major emphasis in all educational planning and development "The goals of teacher education among others is to: (a) produce highly motivated, conscientious and efficient classroom teachers for all levels of our educational system; (b) to enhance teachers commitment to the teaching profession. The quality of teachers is as vital as the quality of the students. Experience has shown that owing to social, political, economic and even educational delicacy situation, it has gradually become so
difficult to find teachers who know and are motivated to teach their subject in a better way. However, Stodgily (1974) said that "there would be high level of productivity if on their part the administrators could recognize the teachers needs and provide opportunity for smooth teaching and learning process”.
There is need for teachers' good welfare conditions which would bring about total
commitment for the purpose of productivity in the education sector. To ensure effective job performance in any organization, workers must be involved in articulating their own needs and in participating in the making of vital output through their commitment. (Olaniyan,1990).
Statement of the Problem
Teachers generally seem to be discontented with their teaching jobs and this invariably affects the entire educational system especially secondary schools that provide inputs to higher institutions. The poor standard of education in the country is therefore not unconnected with this problem.
Inadequate motivation of teachers in the state and subsequent lack of job satisfaction make them less committed to their work. Consequently they are not well motivated and do not dedicate their time to proper teaching of students nor prepare their lessons well enough to inculcate all necessary skills using adequate methods. Thus their contributions to the accomplishment of school goals are not very positive. They fail to participate in the projects that promote the tone of the name of the school. Equally, students do not do well in their examinations since they do not acquire correct skills. This results in poor output and consequently job dissatisfaction which is apparent in several forms of misconduct on the part of the teachers.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to examine the Welfare package and teachers job satisfaction in public primary schools in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State
The specific purposes of the study are to:
- To examine the relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (prompt payment of staff salaries/allowances and promotions) and teachers’ job satisfaction in Public primary school in Akure South.
- To determine the relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (provision of medical/health insurance schemes) and teacher job satisifaction in public primary schools in Akure South Local Government
- To find out the relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (regular payment of pension/retirement benefits) and teacher job satisfaction in public primary schools in Akure South Local Government
Research Questions
The following research questions have been raised to guide the study
- What are the relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (prompt payment of staff salaries/allowances and promotions) and teachers’ job satisfaction in Public primary school in Akure South.
- What are the relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (provision of medical/health insurance schemes) and teacher job satisifaction in public primary schools in Akure South Local Government
- What are the relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (regular payment of pension/retirement benefits) and teacher job satisfaction in public primary schools in Akure South Local Government.
Research Hypotheses
On the basis of the problems, the following hypotheses have been formulated to pilot the study:
- There is no significant relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (prompt payment of staff salaries/allowances and promotions) and teachers’ job satisfaction in Public primary school
- There is no significant relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (provision of medical/health insurance schemes) and teachers’ job satisfaction in public primary school
- There is no significant relationship between teachers’ welfare packages (regular payment of pension/retirement benefits) and teacher job satisfaction in Public primary school in Akure South
The findings of this study may be useful in the following ways:
They may help primary school managers to appreciate the influence of welfare services on teachers’ performance.
It is hoped that the findings, recommendations and conclusions may be useful to education policy makers by identifying gaps in the existing teachers’ compensation package in Nigeria. Other organizations may use the findings of this study to improve on the welfare package of their employees in order to enhance their performance and productivity.
The findings of this study may contribute to the body of knowledge. The literature review showed that no scientific study had been carried out on welfare on the job satisfaction of teachers in public primary schools in Akure South local government area. To this end, it may contribute to the power house of knowledge. Therefore the study may have farreaching implications not only for academicians but also for the government, polic makers, managers and the private sector.
Scope of the Study
This study attempts to look at the welfare package and job satisifaction of public primary school teachers. ).The welfare packages variables includes prompt payment of staff salaries/allowances and promotions provision of medical/health insurance schemes regular payment of pension/retirement benefits.
Definition of Terms
Remuneration: is considered the pay or other compensation provided in exchange for the services performed; not to be confused with giving (away), or donating, or the act of providing.
Recognition: it is a reward or praise given to university lecturers as a result of his contribution to attainment of institutional goals and his involvement in decision making. It is also a means of giving regard to university lecturers by the management and institution authority.
Promotion: This is university lecturers’advancement and timely upward movement to the next cadre in the system.
In-Service Training: This is the training that is given to employees during the course of employment. Training that is offered to lecturers while they are in service to enhance their teaching skills.
Teacher: A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.
Teachers’ welfare : Teachers’ welfare means taking care of the teachers by the government, private employers, non-governmental organizations, parents, school administrators and the teachers’ trade union directly and indirectly through provision of housing, meals, payment of allowances, construction of classrooms, guidance and counselling, provision of loans, and provision of instructional materials (Goldman, 1999; Rajkuar, 2014; Odeku & Odeku, 2014).
Welfare Packages: Armstrong and rumples define it as items in the total package offered of employee over and above salary which increases their wealth or well-being at some cost to the employee.
Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is a measure of workers’ contentedness with their job, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision.