Background of the Study
Children are often described both as the wealth and pride of a nation. The future of any nation therefore depends on the young ones who constitute the potential human resources needed for the continuity of the society. Thus, to achieve sustainable development of a society, the young population must not only be preserved but also disciplined. School indiscipline has been over time an issue of concern for educators, policy makers and public opinion in general, owing to the outbreak of aggressiveness among peers, violence within teacher – student relationship and vandalism as well, leading to perpetual existence of problem of drop out, deviant behaviours, examination malpractice, lateness and poor academic performance among students.
Indiscipline is a multifaceted phenomenon regarding its displays and causes as well as its meanings and functions in the social, psychosocial and pedagogical fields. Concerning its displays, Amado and Freire (2009) believed that the major situations are framed in what they point out as the first level of indiscipline and which are those incidents of disruptive nature whose disturbance affects the good classroom functioning. The incidents that might be framed in the second and third levels are conflicts among peers and conflicts within teacher – student relationship which might be taken on proportions of violence and even delinquency.
The problem of indiscipline according to Yaroson (2004) permeates all facets of the life of man and has brought man down to the knees. School discipline according to Gaustard (2005) has two main objectives. The first is to ensure the safety of staff and students and the second to create an environment conducive to learning. Acts of indiscipline occasioned by students’ misconducts involving violent and criminal behaviour defeat the goals of education.
Acts of indiscipline if allowed to incubate under current favourable conditions by education providers and consumers could hatch a monster that will be difficult to exterminate (Idu&Ojedapo 2011, Tunor 2002).
Minor samples of the envisioned problems are already being encountered in the nation’s economic front. Many indeed believe that current economic woes arising from corruption, robbery, assassination, smuggling and pipeline vandalisation are progenies of school indiscipline. Court injunctions and orders are indiscriminately flouted not only by those who make or interpret the law, but also by those who took the oath to defend the law. These acts of indiscipline in our national life likely began as a mustard seed of disobedience in the school.
The foregoing and current issues make school indiscipline a very important matter in our educational life. It is therefore pertinent at this juncture to provide therapeutic measures to students’ involvement in armed robbery, rape, cultism, examination fraud and many other unruly behaviours which make headlines electronic media (Vanguard, 2006; Ogwuda 2006; Komolafe and Ajao 2006). Other misdemeanors may not be so widely reported yet their occurrences are at higher frequencies in our schools.
The problem of indiscipline affects all schools irrespective of gender and school type though the degree and magnitude vary from school to school. Cases of violence though less common, occur more often outside than on school premises.
The measures taken to deal with indiscipline are barely adequate given the fact that there exist no administrative or legal guidelines which could be referred to in such cases. Actions taken are often ad-hoc and uncoordinated both within and across schools of the same type. Teachers most prominently feel disempowered to deal with cases of indiscipline because of lack of support from relevant authorities, political interference and an incapacitated school administration.
School institutions remain a preparatory ground to empower and certify the requirement for human development. The teacher is faced with the challenges of educating, socializing, empowering and certifying students, but with the help of good teaching atmosphere (Fafunwa, 2004; Farrant, 2004). By implication, the task of a teacher, which includes sustaining education system, do not rest on his or her professional competency alone, but on the entire features of the school climate.
According to Loukas, (2007) opine that the school is a type of service organizationvested with primary function of educating the child andthe control is a problem faced by all organizationsespecially learning institution, which work with people.For the efficient functioning of the school, schoolmanagements reserve power to control the conduct ofstudents through reasonable rules and regulations.Once these rules and regulations are made, they mustbe enforced on the problems, which beset secondaryschools, indiscipline comes first. Disciplinary problemsdominate the issues of the day in both large and smallschools both in towns and villages. Students disobeyschool rules and regulations with impunity. They havelittle or no respect for their teachers and even the schooladministration.
Students’ misbehavior is a prevailing problem affecting schools not only in Nigeria but also across many nations around the world. Students’ misconduct in the classroom interferes with teaching and learning and is thought to be precursor to later school dropout and similar negative social outcomes. Students’ behavioral problems are also thought to be a leading contributor to teachers’ stress and attrition.
The indiscipline problem in schools is ranked as a major problem among students of secondary schools in Nigeria. Disruptive behavior is a concern to schools and parents and to fellow students, whose education may be adversely affected. Therefore, disruptive behaviour cannot be ignored, and schools must tailor a well-understood sound behavior and discipline policy. In secondary school, the situation is worse because the learners as adolescents, now become aware of their rights namely; to privacy, to freedom of religion, belief, opinion, and expression, among others.
According to Pager (1994), educators at one school in the Southwest Nigeria reported high levels of absenteeism, truancy, laziness, substance abuse, and subversion of assessments of achievements by learners. Another author (Ferguson & Johnson, 2010) also found that the lack of a supportive and friendly school environment influences educators’ disciplinary attempt and may cause them to remain cold.
Petersen & Rosser (2008) contend that serious breaches of school discipline policy include assault by students on teachers and other students, verbal abuse, offensive language against teachers and other students, sexual and other forms of harassment, threat and intimidation of teachers and other students, possessing offensive weapons, supplying or using illegal drugs, and intrusions into the school or classrooms by adults with the intention of confronting teachers. The problem now is rather alarming and jeopardizing the administration of the secondary school.
A number of reason have been advanced as possible causes of indiscipline behaviour among students, such reason include, school management that is lack of facilities and equipment in schools, lack of motivated qualified staff, lack of encouragement to teachers, school administration, failure on the part of the principal to promote cordial working relationship with the staffs, parents and students.
Insubordinates of staff to the principal lack of sincerity and devotion to duty and moral laxity of teachers and students, poor attitude to learning, poor home training, unrealistic expectation and in school with a view to identify the most potent ones among them.
According to Oyesola, (2000) opined that factor attributed to misconduct in schools are frustration, inhibition, broken homes, ill-health, personal Maladjustment, dissatisfaction in school work, emotional unrest in relationship to others, disturbance in the classroom climate, lack of harmony between classroom, control and the need of a students’ for emancipation, emotional strains that accompany sudden changes from one activity to another and composition of the classroom group.Wasagu, (2009) also explained the concept of discipline as the one which encompass theoretical and modes of behavior, reality which shows clearly the dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors and as a practice which relate to normative modes of doing things within a given time.
Statement of the Problem
Techniques of handling disciplinary problems in secondary schools need urgent attention. There is much work to be done since in some schools the situation has reached alarming proportions. This study therefore concentrates on unraveling the technique of handling disciplinary problems among students’ in secondary schools. The study of Management of Disciplinary Problems in Secondary Schools in Ibadan metropolis aimed at unraveling types of disciplinary problems, their causes and far reaching means of managing disciplinary problems among the secondary school students in Ibadan in particular. Indiscipline in school is certainly a matter of immediate concern to the teaching profession.
In lieu of the above, the study will find out whether the problems stated below are the main contributing factors that hinder effective management of disciplinary problems in the study area.
- Truancy is the disciplinary problem in secondary school.
- Absenteeism is the disciplinary problem in the study area.
- Fighting and stealing cause disciplinary problem in the study area.
- Political, social and economic factors cause disciplinary problem in the said area.
- School curriculum and peer groups are the causes of disciplinary problem in the study area.
- Family/Home is the cause of disciplinary problem in the study area.
- School environment/teacher causes disciplinary problem in secondary school.
Based on the problem stated above, the purpose of this study was to examine the techniques of handling discipline problem among accounting students in secondary schools in Ibadan South West local government area of Oyo State, to establish whether positive measures of enhancing discipline have taken root in these schools. The study therefore needed to unveil and address these factors that may have an influence on students’ behavior. The objectives were to examine;
- The maladjusted behaviors among accounting students in selected secondary schools in Ibadan South Westlocal government area of Oyo State
- The causes of disciplinary problems that are being experienced in these schools in the aforementioned area.
- The means of managing disciplinary problems among Accounting students in secondary school in the said study area
Significance of the Study
It is not an understatement that the bulk of our schools life and the society itself are enmeshed in indiscipline. Indiscipline, which is a state of disregard for laid down rules and regulations, continues to manifest itself in every aspect of life. That some issues still remain unsolved, indiscipline also embraces lack of the following:-
Respect of the tasks of learning, Control of emotions, cultural traditional and religious values, Training of mind and body to inculcate obedience, and other virtues that contribute to and make for peaceful, conducive, productive, progressive and happy life. These acts of indiscipline continue to manifest in our society even by those who are adults. These acts of indiscipline have been very difficult to eradicate in our schools and even in the society. It follows naturally, therefore, that this certain issues, are either still unresolved or yet to be discovered. It is hoped that this work will produce positive contribution in detecting those hidden issues and making appropriate recommendations to prevent its magnification or to eradicate its causes.
Research Questions
The following research questions were raised to guide this research work;
- What are the maladjusted behaviors among accounting students in selected secondary schools in Ibadan South West local government area of Oyo state?
- What are the causes of discipline problems that are being experience among accounting student in secondary schoolsin Ibadanmetropolitan?
- What are the techniques of managing disciplinary problems among accounting students in secondary schools in the said study area?
The research ought to cover all secondary school in Ibadan South West local government area of Oyo state as a whole, due to time frame and financial constraints of the researcher, the researcher is limited to five secondary schools in Ibadan metropolitan, also, this study is limited to the techniques of handling discipline problems among accounting students in secondary schools in Ibadan South West local government area of Oyo State.
Definition of Terms
Maladjustment:refers to the inability to adjust to the demands of interpersonal relationships
Insubordination: This is the act of willingfuly disobeying ones superior, refusing to perform an action that is unethical or illegal
Emancipation: Is any of various efforts to procuring economic and social right, political right or equality.
Delinquent: May refers to a person who commits a felony, nor a young person who regularly does illegal things.
Disciplinary: Procedure are asset way for an employer to deal with disciplinary issues, they should measure a disciplinary, hearing where you are given a chance to explain your side of the story. It is also a systematic procedure formular, or routine by which a task is accomplished.
Modification: this refers to a change in behavior, something, such as a systematic or style in another words modification is a noun that means the act of making something different e.g. a change or alteration usually to make something work better.
Techniques: is a procedure to complete a task, it is also a systematic method to obtain information of a scientific nature.
Constitutes: is to make up a whole from smaller part, e.g. what constitutes a family? Means what constitutes or makes up a family is parents, kinds, pets, and other family members.