Background of the Study
Decades ago a converging set of global trends has not only created significant economic and social opportunities but also enormous challenges. The pervasiveness of information and communication technologies from cell phone, to low cost video cameras, personal digital assistance and laptops wirelessly connected to the internet has changed the way people live, work, play and learn, new knowledge and the use of new technologies have resulted in the creation of new products, services and jobs, some of which were unimaginable, its entrance into areas of men activity, and it extension in the current century particularly in schools will became the most effective instrument to improve teaching and learning methods and promote educational goals (Ryan, 1991)
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are now of no doubt, being accepted as part of our contemporary world as they perceived as tools for rapid changes in technology, schools, political and global economic transportation. The penetrating influence of ICT is not only limited to these spheres of human endeavor but also to the field of education where it is perceived as a transforming agent in education delivery and educational methodology. As observed by Hoostrurj (2004) perhaps the greatest achievement of the 20th and 21st centuries was the development and application of the ICT to all facets of human endeavor. According to him, ICT has significantly impacted on the course of human development because it has positively transferred effectively and efficiently every aspect of human, life such as accountancy, agriculture, aviation, banking commerce, communication, culture, entertainment, education global, security, journalism, library, medicine research, science etc.
According to Olorundare (2006), utilization of ICT in schools curriculum development, implementation and evaluation, has brought a tremendous changes to education sector there is no doubt that ICT has found its, riches in education development in the education sector in both developed and developing countries attest to the fact that ICT has became a central focus of many countries education policies and such its use and integration has become widespread in the various school system. As an agent of change for effective teaching and learning chemistry, the benefit of ICT can be best estimated in terms of its potential as a sources of knowledge, a medium to transmit contacts in chemistry from teacher to the students and also ICT serves as means of interesting potential for providing access and opportunities for networking.olorundare (2006).
Nowadays, schools or learning institutes provides computer and information technology as learning material to gain knowledge and experience. Student now have more understanding during teaching process, internet especially provides many lands of information and also learning tools in school education lines, the objective of the exercise is to prepare them in solving problems one of the method by using multimedia activities, besides learning, the teachers can attract the students interest in learning process and they understand more if they learn by using something that will attract their interest, therefore by implementing ICT in teaching chemistry it can improve the students interest and also creative thinking. ICT plays some important roles which are to assist teacher in the teaching, providing them with tools to illustrate some points or processes as well as to support long distance educational system, the importance of the ICT is to enable them to associate between concrete, tangible facts from the abstract ones, to help promote the students retention and to facilitate the stimulation and recovery phase (Olusanya O.M & OladeleO.I 2003). Chemistry which is one of the science subjects is concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions and the use of such reactions to form new substance, chemistry education is the study of the teaching and learning of chemistry in all schools colleges and universities, chemistry is basically about becoming aware exploring, understanding and exercising some degree of control over the environment through the senses and personal exploration (Frinosho, 2005).
Statement of the Problem
Obviously methods have changed from what it used to be during the ancient days compare to this our own time and period, of course greater high can be achieved today with the integration and impact of information and communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and learning chemistry in Colleges and Universities, one of the most trend is the using of internet facilities such as computer, bulletin boards electronic gadgets, notice board, video conferencing, projector and much more for effective and easy delivery of chemistry education. Therefore, this research project intend to see weather the utilization and implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) facilitate the effective teaching and learning of chemistry education in our higher institution and if it have any noticeable effects on the performance of chemistry delivery in the classroom.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study investigated the extent of the impact of ICT on teaching and learning of chemistry and found out whether student that were taught chemistry with the use of ICT materials such as computer system, internet facilities, projectile, video player among others. performed better than those taught with textbook only.
The main purpose of this study was to find out the effect of ICT on students academic performance in College of Education Ikere Ekiti Campus and University of Nigeria, Affiliated to College of Education Ikere Ekiti the study is aim at finding out whether.
ICT has any effect on student performance
ICT as a tool for learning and student academic performance
ICT as a tool for teaching and students academic performance
Research Question
The following research questions were posed to guide the study.
In order to carry out the research effectively, the under listed hypotheses were tested.
Research Assumptions
This study is based on the assumption listed below:-
The outcome of this study aims at determining whether or not the use of ICT has any significant effect on the academic performance of student learning chemistry. Moreover education is the bedrock of any society. Nigeria as a developing nation needs standard university, that has available learning resources, that lecturers and students utilize in learning resources on a regular basis, it could be a guide line for incoming students and be educative to them when writing and studying similar problem in schools.
This study has made me to explore into topic influence of ICT usage on the academic performance of students.
Delimitation of the Study
The study was carried out in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State only, this study intend to study the influence and effect of ICT on academic performance of student in schools.
Only College of Education and university of Nigeria Nsukka affiliated with College of Education Ikere Ekiti campus in Ikere LGA are studied, with a sample of only chemistry student selected out of all the others, the study is limited to a population of two hundred (200) students from both N.C.E and Degree level
The following are the limitation of the study on the impact of ICT on academic performance of NCE and Degree students in chemistry.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were sued in this study: it shows the comparism and relationship between words to show how correlated they are and how important they are to each other.
ICT:- Information and communication Technology is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing radio, television, cellular, phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite system disseminate, store, manage information, ICT has became integral to the teaching learning interaction and has became a central focus of many educational fields.
CHEMISTRY: The branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances.
PERFORMANCE: An action in which excellence or superiority depend primarily on abstract mental ability. An action requiring the manipulation of abstracts concepts or mental manipulation of any sort.
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: It is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long term educational goals.
EFFECTIVE: This is to show an independent variable has impact on the dependent variables, it is to show the degree impact felt on a particular variable.
IMPROVISED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: These are supplementary instructional materials used when there is no access to standard instructional materials in order to drive home points by the teacher.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: These are teaching aids or graphics materials which helps to aid or assist teacher in affecting their teaching methods, it refers to the human and non human materials and facilities that can be used to ease encourage improved and promote teaching and learning activities. They indicate a systematic way of designing, carryout and employing the total process of leaning and communication and employing human and non human resources to bring out more meaningful and effective instruction.
Learning: Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behavior, skills, values, or preferences. Evidence that learning has occurred may be seen in changes in behavour from simple to complex.
TEACHING: The act, practice or profession of a teacher, it is a complex, multifaceted activity, often requiring us as instructors to juggle multiple tasks and goals, simultaneously and flexibility.
VARIABLES: They are refers to as an attributes of a physical or an abstract system which may change its value while it is under observation.
DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Is the observed in an experiment or study whose changes are determined by the presence or degree of one or more independent variables.
INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: A manipulated variable in an experiment or study, whose, presence or degree determines the change in the dependent variables.

Background of the Study
Decades ago a converging set of global trends has not only created significant economic and social opportunities but also enormous challenges. The pervasiveness of information and communication technologies from cell phone, to low cost video cameras, personal digital assistance and laptops wirelessly connected to the internet has changed the way people live, work, play and learn, new knowledge and the use of new technologies have resulted in the creation of new products, services and jobs, some of which were unimaginable, its entrance into areas of men activity, and it extension in the current century particularly in schools will became the most effective instrument to improve teaching and learning methods and promote educational goals (Ryan, 1991)
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are now of no doubt, being accepted as part of our contemporary world as they perceived as tools for rapid changes in technology, schools, political and global economic transportation. The penetrating influence of ICT is not only limited to these spheres of human endeavor but also to the field of education where it is perceived as a transforming agent in education delivery and educational methodology. As observed by Hoostrurj (2004) perhaps the greatest achievement of the 20th and 21st centuries was the development and application of the ICT to all facets of human endeavor. According to him, ICT has significantly impacted on the course of human development because it has positively transferred effectively and efficiently every aspect of human, life such as accountancy, agriculture, aviation, banking commerce, communication, culture, entertainment, education global, security, journalism, library, medicine research, science etc.
According to Olorundare (2006), utilization of ICT in schools curriculum development, implementation and evaluation, has brought a tremendous changes to education sector there is no doubt that ICT has found its, riches in education development in the education sector in both developed and developing countries attest to the fact that ICT has became a central focus of many countries education policies and such its use and integration has become widespread in the various school system. As an agent of change for effective teaching and learning chemistry, the benefit of ICT can be best estimated in terms of its potential as a sources of knowledge, a medium to transmit contacts in chemistry from teacher to the students and also ICT serves as means of interesting potential for providing access and opportunities for networking.olorundare (2006).
Nowadays, schools or learning institutes provides computer and information technology as learning material to gain knowledge and experience. Student now have more understanding during teaching process, internet especially provides many lands of information and also learning tools in school education lines, the objective of the exercise is to prepare them in solving problems one of the method by using multimedia activities, besides learning, the teachers can attract the students interest in learning process and they understand more if they learn by using something that will attract their interest, therefore by implementing ICT in teaching chemistry it can improve the students interest and also creative thinking. ICT plays some important roles which are to assist teacher in the teaching, providing them with tools to illustrate some points or processes as well as to support long distance educational system, the importance of the ICT is to enable them to associate between concrete, tangible facts from the abstract ones, to help promote the students retention and to facilitate the stimulation and recovery phase (Olusanya O.M & OladeleO.I 2003). Chemistry which is one of the science subjects is concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions and the use of such reactions to form new substance, chemistry education is the study of the teaching and learning of chemistry in all schools colleges and universities, chemistry is basically about becoming aware exploring, understanding and exercising some degree of control over the environment through the senses and personal exploration (Frinosho, 2005).
Statement of the Problem
Obviously methods have changed from what it used to be during the ancient days compare to this our own time and period, of course greater high can be achieved today with the integration and impact of information and communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and learning chemistry in Colleges and Universities, one of the most trend is the using of internet facilities such as computer, bulletin boards electronic gadgets, notice board, video conferencing, projector and much more for effective and easy delivery of chemistry education. Therefore, this research project intend to see weather the utilization and implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) facilitate the effective teaching and learning of chemistry education in our higher institution and if it have any noticeable effects on the performance of chemistry delivery in the classroom.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study investigated the extent of the impact of ICT on teaching and learning of chemistry and found out whether student that were taught chemistry with the use of ICT materials such as computer system, internet facilities, projectile, video player among others. performed better than those taught with textbook only.
The main purpose of this study was to find out the effect of ICT on students academic performance in College of Education Ikere Ekiti Campus and University of Nigeria, Affiliated to College of Education Ikere Ekiti the study is aim at finding out whether.
ICT has any effect on student performance
ICT as a tool for learning and student academic performance
ICT as a tool for teaching and students academic performance
Research Question
The following research questions were posed to guide the study.
- Is there any relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and chemistry
- Is there any impact of ICT facilities for effective teaching and learning of chemistry
- What is the benefit of ICT to chemistry Education
- How does ICT as a tool for learning influence the academic performance of students in chemistry.
- What is the level of availability of ICT infrastructure in University of Nigeria, Ikere campus and College of Education,Ikere
In order to carry out the research effectively, the under listed hypotheses were tested.
- There is no significant influence of ICT on Chemistry education in University of Nigeria,Ikere Campus and College of Education, Ikere Ekiti.
- There is no significant difference in the impact of ICT on Chemistry Education between male and female students
- There is no significant difference between the impacts of ICT on chemistry among the groups.
Research Assumptions
This study is based on the assumption listed below:-
- The sample population is a true representative of the study population
- The variables under study are measurable
- The instrument used for data collection is valid and reliable
The outcome of this study aims at determining whether or not the use of ICT has any significant effect on the academic performance of student learning chemistry. Moreover education is the bedrock of any society. Nigeria as a developing nation needs standard university, that has available learning resources, that lecturers and students utilize in learning resources on a regular basis, it could be a guide line for incoming students and be educative to them when writing and studying similar problem in schools.
This study has made me to explore into topic influence of ICT usage on the academic performance of students.
Delimitation of the Study
The study was carried out in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State only, this study intend to study the influence and effect of ICT on academic performance of student in schools.
Only College of Education and university of Nigeria Nsukka affiliated with College of Education Ikere Ekiti campus in Ikere LGA are studied, with a sample of only chemistry student selected out of all the others, the study is limited to a population of two hundred (200) students from both N.C.E and Degree level
The following are the limitation of the study on the impact of ICT on academic performance of NCE and Degree students in chemistry.
- The findings shall emphasizes on the use of ICT and its impact on all chemistry students.
- Invention of ICT which shall be catered for so as to improve the former means of dissemination of information
- Another limitation of available research on the impact of ICT on students overall academic performance.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were sued in this study: it shows the comparism and relationship between words to show how correlated they are and how important they are to each other.
ICT:- Information and communication Technology is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing radio, television, cellular, phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite system disseminate, store, manage information, ICT has became integral to the teaching learning interaction and has became a central focus of many educational fields.
CHEMISTRY: The branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances.
PERFORMANCE: An action in which excellence or superiority depend primarily on abstract mental ability. An action requiring the manipulation of abstracts concepts or mental manipulation of any sort.
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: It is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long term educational goals.
EFFECTIVE: This is to show an independent variable has impact on the dependent variables, it is to show the degree impact felt on a particular variable.
IMPROVISED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: These are supplementary instructional materials used when there is no access to standard instructional materials in order to drive home points by the teacher.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: These are teaching aids or graphics materials which helps to aid or assist teacher in affecting their teaching methods, it refers to the human and non human materials and facilities that can be used to ease encourage improved and promote teaching and learning activities. They indicate a systematic way of designing, carryout and employing the total process of leaning and communication and employing human and non human resources to bring out more meaningful and effective instruction.
Learning: Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behavior, skills, values, or preferences. Evidence that learning has occurred may be seen in changes in behavour from simple to complex.
TEACHING: The act, practice or profession of a teacher, it is a complex, multifaceted activity, often requiring us as instructors to juggle multiple tasks and goals, simultaneously and flexibility.
VARIABLES: They are refers to as an attributes of a physical or an abstract system which may change its value while it is under observation.
DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Is the observed in an experiment or study whose changes are determined by the presence or degree of one or more independent variables.
INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: A manipulated variable in an experiment or study, whose, presence or degree determines the change in the dependent variables.