Title page
Table of content
List of Table
Chapter One
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope/Limitation of the study
1.7 Definition of terms
1.8 Organization of the chapter
Chapter Two
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Literature review
2.2 Approaches to Civic Education
2.3 Importance of Civic Education to sustainable democracy
2.4 Civic Education in Nigeria
2.5 Nigeria’s needs for Civic Education
2.6 Challenges and prospect associate with Civic Education in Nigeria.
2.7 Political awareness and ethical revolution in Nigeria
2.8 Democracy and Civic Education in Nigeria
2.9 Promoting Political awareness through Civic Education
2.10 Voter’s awareness campaign
2.11 Impact of political awareness on the Civic Education of Nigeria youth
Chapter Three
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of study
3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques
3.4 Instrumentation
3.5 Administration of Instrument
3.6 Method of Data analysis
Chapter Four
Data analysis and Interpretation
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Data analysis of respondent demographic data.
4.2 Analysis Research Question
4.3 Discussion
Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Bibliography
5.5 Appendix
1.1 Background to the Study
Civic Education is an important component of adult education that equips citizens with necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to participate in the public life of a democracy, to know their rights and discharge their responsibilities as expected by being responsive to act of governance. The term civic education is used to cover the larger job of educating citizens so that they can take responsibility for their roles within democratic state and exercise their rights as free human beings. Civic education seeks to make people powerful and capable of participating to the fullest in a democratic society and create a democratic society (Branson, 1998).
According to some scholars, it is that education which promotes recipients’ understanding of the political system, their own interests, and options to contribute to government (Niemi and Junn 1998), or citizens’ rights and obligations (Kanaev 2000). Civic education may also involve “exposing students to central and political traditions of the nation” and teaching them “moral sentiments” (Janowitz 1983, 1994, quoted in Kanaev 2000, 17). It is also argued that as a more personal type of civic knowledge, knowing one’s rights is the first step, or a prerequisite, for participation and civic education should therefore not be restricted to the four walls of classroom, but should be targeted at all those regarded as adults in the segment of the society(Ruitta, 2007).
In rural parts of the developing world including Nigeria, most citizens have not been formally schooled to have required exposure, not even to out-of-school organized learning process either. For Finkel (2005), of civic education includes school based civics and programmes that provide instruction about the society and political rights of women, [or] voter education programmes, neighbourhood problem-solving programmes through group discussions that bring individuals in contact with local authorities for purposes of promoting collective action to benefit local communities. In these contexts, what is shared and learnt is “Mode 2” knowledge which is application oriented civic knowledge, as opposed to the more abstract information taught at school. “Mode 2” canvasses that:
Knowledge is “a form of knowledge that is created by and through groups rather than by isolated individuals;
its origin lies in collective attempts to solve problems, and its meaning is only realized through application in
an organizational setting” (Field 2005, 4). This is a good description of what learning and civic education may
most often be in practice in developing countries.
Other sources of civic education include the electronic and printed which promote information dissemination, Civic
knowledge can also originate at school, through government, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and donor
programs. Lewis (2008), opines that Civic Education is the cultivation of virtues, knowledge, skills and experience necessary for political participation in a democratic society and the sustenance of democracy.
Civic education programs have also tended to rely on a broad’ range of methods to teach democratic orientations and behaviour, including lectures, discussion groups form and pands, dramatizations, rale-plays, community organization, material distribution, and avenues of the mass media. Again as will be discussed in greaten detail below, some methods principally more active method s such as dramatization and rule plays are for more successful than other methods are in terms of encouraging change. Methods also needs to be tailored to goals and objectives. If the goal is to an courage a lasting change in democratic behavior than more active method are necessary. If, however, the goal is s imply to convey information about a particular event, such is an election, than more passive methods such as lectures and mass media may play an important event critical role. To take :ne compelling example because of time constraints and a lack of funding the Indonesia government was unable to provide classroom traving for election monitors and therefore, broad cast a short course on the national television. Since Indonesia hadn’t had an election in over 40 years, many ordinary citizens turned in. one unintended consequence of using the mass media to conduct these courses was that a large number ordinary voters hand as much about what a fair electoral process should look like as did the monitors.
The local NGO, lice Non governmental organization were frequently partners in Nigeria attempts to increase local capacity and tailar programs to fit local condition. In the waked of successful transitions many of these organizations shifted their focus to take up the challenges of democratic consolidation. As part of an over all strategy of strengthening civic society, the Nigeria government began to encourage local :organization and institutional body i.e Religion leader, traditional leader NGOS, school heads, state agencies e.t.c to :each citizens in new democracies about their rights and responsibilities.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The work is embarked on as a result of my interested to be need for political awareness on the civic consciousness for the good governance and democratic values in our society, particularly Akoko South East Area. Thus, I intend to assess the impact of political awareness campaign on the development of civic Education in Akoko South East Area. the sample was carry out in the following Area : Isua, Ipe, Epemi, Sosan, Ifira and Ipesi Akoko.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The purpose of the research of this work is to:
The importance of the study is that political awareness is quite relevant to the Nigeria current electoral process, generally in our country today, particularly in Akoko South East Area based on the Democratic exigencies that need argent solution.
Furthermore, Nigeria is currently facing of youth incivility and immorality. The need has arisen to seek informal approaches to the inculcation of desirable values and civic consciousness in the youth people in view of the apparent failure of the formal school system to inculcate desirable values.
1.5 Research Question
In carry put this research, there arose some constraints. The first constraint was the inability to assess information in the (CAFÉ)
It is of note to say that time and financial constraints played their significance roles to have given me enough room to collate more information and data that those of any disposal. Again, some of the questionnaires were not filled while some people returned their own so late that it affected the research time
In this research work, the background meaning purpose and the importance of political awareness and civic Education are clearly expatiation. The distinctions among the political culture which are often used interchangeably are clearly and critically examined.
Questionnaires are going to be used: questionnaire is a formal which contains question to be answer by the respondent and which respondent is expected to complete.
1.7 Definition of Terms
CIVIC: this is the science of comparative government and means of administering public trusts.
Civic Education: this entails the respective rules and responsibilities of citizens, government, political and special
interest and the mass media e.t.c
Democracy: it is a system of government in which the exercise of political power and authority is vested in the people through ± elected representatives.
Education: the process of training and instructing especially children and young people in school, colleges which is designed to give knowledge and develop skill.
Mass Media: A media that can provide information to many people at a time.
Awareness: knowledge or understanding of a particular subject.
Assessment: To examine something critically
Campaign: A series of actions intended to achieve a particular result.
This study is divided into five chapters; Chapter One is based on background of the study objective of the study, research question, research hypothesis, significant of the study, scope of the study limitation of study organization of chapter and definition of terms.
Chapter two is on literature review. Also Chapter three is based on the Methodology of the research work.
The fourth chapter is on data presentation and analysis. Finally chapter five dealt with summary conclusion and recommendation.

Title page
Table of content
List of Table
Chapter One
- Introduction
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope/Limitation of the study
1.7 Definition of terms
1.8 Organization of the chapter
Chapter Two
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Literature review
2.2 Approaches to Civic Education
2.3 Importance of Civic Education to sustainable democracy
2.4 Civic Education in Nigeria
2.5 Nigeria’s needs for Civic Education
2.6 Challenges and prospect associate with Civic Education in Nigeria.
2.7 Political awareness and ethical revolution in Nigeria
2.8 Democracy and Civic Education in Nigeria
2.9 Promoting Political awareness through Civic Education
2.10 Voter’s awareness campaign
2.11 Impact of political awareness on the Civic Education of Nigeria youth
Chapter Three
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of study
3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques
3.4 Instrumentation
3.5 Administration of Instrument
3.6 Method of Data analysis
Chapter Four
Data analysis and Interpretation
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Data analysis of respondent demographic data.
4.2 Analysis Research Question
4.3 Discussion
Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Bibliography
5.5 Appendix
1.1 Background to the Study
Civic Education is an important component of adult education that equips citizens with necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to participate in the public life of a democracy, to know their rights and discharge their responsibilities as expected by being responsive to act of governance. The term civic education is used to cover the larger job of educating citizens so that they can take responsibility for their roles within democratic state and exercise their rights as free human beings. Civic education seeks to make people powerful and capable of participating to the fullest in a democratic society and create a democratic society (Branson, 1998).
According to some scholars, it is that education which promotes recipients’ understanding of the political system, their own interests, and options to contribute to government (Niemi and Junn 1998), or citizens’ rights and obligations (Kanaev 2000). Civic education may also involve “exposing students to central and political traditions of the nation” and teaching them “moral sentiments” (Janowitz 1983, 1994, quoted in Kanaev 2000, 17). It is also argued that as a more personal type of civic knowledge, knowing one’s rights is the first step, or a prerequisite, for participation and civic education should therefore not be restricted to the four walls of classroom, but should be targeted at all those regarded as adults in the segment of the society(Ruitta, 2007).
In rural parts of the developing world including Nigeria, most citizens have not been formally schooled to have required exposure, not even to out-of-school organized learning process either. For Finkel (2005), of civic education includes school based civics and programmes that provide instruction about the society and political rights of women, [or] voter education programmes, neighbourhood problem-solving programmes through group discussions that bring individuals in contact with local authorities for purposes of promoting collective action to benefit local communities. In these contexts, what is shared and learnt is “Mode 2” knowledge which is application oriented civic knowledge, as opposed to the more abstract information taught at school. “Mode 2” canvasses that:
Knowledge is “a form of knowledge that is created by and through groups rather than by isolated individuals;
its origin lies in collective attempts to solve problems, and its meaning is only realized through application in
an organizational setting” (Field 2005, 4). This is a good description of what learning and civic education may
most often be in practice in developing countries.
Other sources of civic education include the electronic and printed which promote information dissemination, Civic
knowledge can also originate at school, through government, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and donor
programs. Lewis (2008), opines that Civic Education is the cultivation of virtues, knowledge, skills and experience necessary for political participation in a democratic society and the sustenance of democracy.
Civic education programs have also tended to rely on a broad’ range of methods to teach democratic orientations and behaviour, including lectures, discussion groups form and pands, dramatizations, rale-plays, community organization, material distribution, and avenues of the mass media. Again as will be discussed in greaten detail below, some methods principally more active method s such as dramatization and rule plays are for more successful than other methods are in terms of encouraging change. Methods also needs to be tailored to goals and objectives. If the goal is to an courage a lasting change in democratic behavior than more active method are necessary. If, however, the goal is s imply to convey information about a particular event, such is an election, than more passive methods such as lectures and mass media may play an important event critical role. To take :ne compelling example because of time constraints and a lack of funding the Indonesia government was unable to provide classroom traving for election monitors and therefore, broad cast a short course on the national television. Since Indonesia hadn’t had an election in over 40 years, many ordinary citizens turned in. one unintended consequence of using the mass media to conduct these courses was that a large number ordinary voters hand as much about what a fair electoral process should look like as did the monitors.
The local NGO, lice Non governmental organization were frequently partners in Nigeria attempts to increase local capacity and tailar programs to fit local condition. In the waked of successful transitions many of these organizations shifted their focus to take up the challenges of democratic consolidation. As part of an over all strategy of strengthening civic society, the Nigeria government began to encourage local :organization and institutional body i.e Religion leader, traditional leader NGOS, school heads, state agencies e.t.c to :each citizens in new democracies about their rights and responsibilities.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The work is embarked on as a result of my interested to be need for political awareness on the civic consciousness for the good governance and democratic values in our society, particularly Akoko South East Area. Thus, I intend to assess the impact of political awareness campaign on the development of civic Education in Akoko South East Area. the sample was carry out in the following Area : Isua, Ipe, Epemi, Sosan, Ifira and Ipesi Akoko.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The purpose of the research of this work is to:
- Assess the impact of political awareness campaign on the development of civic Education in Akoko South East Area.
- Examine the need for political awareness in Akoko South East Area
- Determine the desirable of Democratic values and good Governance in Akoko South East Area.
The importance of the study is that political awareness is quite relevant to the Nigeria current electoral process, generally in our country today, particularly in Akoko South East Area based on the Democratic exigencies that need argent solution.
Furthermore, Nigeria is currently facing of youth incivility and immorality. The need has arisen to seek informal approaches to the inculcation of desirable values and civic consciousness in the youth people in view of the apparent failure of the formal school system to inculcate desirable values.
1.5 Research Question
- What is the impact of political awareness campaign?
- The development of civic Education?
- What are the benefits of political Awareness in Akoko South East?
In carry put this research, there arose some constraints. The first constraint was the inability to assess information in the (CAFÉ)
It is of note to say that time and financial constraints played their significance roles to have given me enough room to collate more information and data that those of any disposal. Again, some of the questionnaires were not filled while some people returned their own so late that it affected the research time
In this research work, the background meaning purpose and the importance of political awareness and civic Education are clearly expatiation. The distinctions among the political culture which are often used interchangeably are clearly and critically examined.
Questionnaires are going to be used: questionnaire is a formal which contains question to be answer by the respondent and which respondent is expected to complete.
1.7 Definition of Terms
CIVIC: this is the science of comparative government and means of administering public trusts.
Civic Education: this entails the respective rules and responsibilities of citizens, government, political and special
interest and the mass media e.t.c
Democracy: it is a system of government in which the exercise of political power and authority is vested in the people through ± elected representatives.
Education: the process of training and instructing especially children and young people in school, colleges which is designed to give knowledge and develop skill.
Mass Media: A media that can provide information to many people at a time.
Awareness: knowledge or understanding of a particular subject.
Assessment: To examine something critically
Campaign: A series of actions intended to achieve a particular result.
This study is divided into five chapters; Chapter One is based on background of the study objective of the study, research question, research hypothesis, significant of the study, scope of the study limitation of study organization of chapter and definition of terms.
Chapter two is on literature review. Also Chapter three is based on the Methodology of the research work.
The fourth chapter is on data presentation and analysis. Finally chapter five dealt with summary conclusion and recommendation.