Educational facilities have been identified as a major tools for academic performance for students in schools. The principal aim of this project is targeted at investigating the impact of educational facilities on academic performance of business studies students in some selected secondary school in Ikere local government Area of Ekiti State, the sample consisted of one hundred students selected from five schools in Ikere local government Area of Ekiti State and sample random method was used in selecting students from five (5) schools used in the research project to guide the study, four research question were raised and questionnaire was used in collecting data analysis of data was carried out using the simple percentage, based on the analysis, the following finding were made. That there is significant difference in the academic performance of student. It also revealed their school facilities have positive impact on the academic performance consequent upon the findings of the study, the researcher made some recommendations.
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Scope of the study
Significance of the study
Research questions
Definition of terms
Literature Review
Theoretical framework
Concept of educational facilities
Concept of academic performance
Libraries facilities and academic performance
Textbook and academic performance
School building and academic performance
Inadequacy of qualified teachers
Factors affecting student performance
ICT and student performance
The Impact of Educational Facilities.
Research Methodology
Research design
Area off the study
Population of the study
Sample and sampling technique
Research instrument
Validity of research instrument
Reliability of research instrument
Administration of research instrument
Data analysis
Presentation And Analysis Of Data
Discussion of findings
Suggestions for further study
Summary of the study
Education is man’s fundamental method of reform and progress. It can be regarded as the toll with which society brings the transmission of its own culture. Reomer (2002) refers to education as all those experiences of the individual through with knowledge is acquired, the intellect enlightened or the will strengthened”.
Unachuka (2008) defined education as the process by which individuals are assisted formally to develop their capacity for their own benefit and that of the society. The first set of schools were usually situated under big trees with students who were mainly normally conducted in the evening after their trading activities with the merchants who acted as the tutors. These teachers are called “Mallams”. It is obvious that the first type of school system didn’t have and facilities apart from the state and foreign textbooks.
Furthermore, with the arrival of western education the uses of facilities became in vogue. Classrooms which came in small rooms now in form of schools which comprises of administrative blocks, offices with such facilities as chairs, tables, chalk and chalkboard. Textbooks were also provided to aid teaching, this ease the way knowledge was formally imparted to the students to prove for old Stanions system.
Walbery and Thomas (2005) has shown that students have been noted to learn best when they can effectively explore at school environment that is rich in materials so that whenever they are given the responsibility to make meaningful choice, they afford to interact with the available facilities.
This led to Adaralegbe’s (2008) statement which states that the large scale of educational facilities had been embarked upon because of increasing awareness if the state that education pauses the way for modernization and enable one to improve oneself, putting this into consideration in our schools presently it will be noted that, education by various government bit yet, much efforts is still required to meet up adequately. Since over fifty million peoples desire education presently. Classrooms are very vital in schools. The classrooms are constructed to suit the purpose of learning and also considering climate of the people.
Eagle Hardt (2006) emphasized that classrooms referred to as “teaching laboratories”. Much importance should be attached to facilities to enable am imagined educational facilities to be achieved. This is short shows the importance of the provision of efficient and effective facilities to help enhance a smooth and conducive teaching and learning process to enable the production of effective manpower for the nation.
Educational facilities have been observed as potent factors to quantitative education. The importance to teaching and learning of the provision of adequate educational facilities for education cannot be over emphasized.
Akande (2002), learning can occur through one’s interaction with one’s environment. Environment here refers to facilities that are available to facilitate students learning outcome. It includes books, audio visual, software and hardware of educational technology, so also, size of classroom, sitting position and arrangement, availability of tables, chairs, chalkboards, shelves on which instruments for practical’s are arranged. (Farrant, 2001 and Farombi,2008). Educational facilities refers to the school plant that is, the school buildings, classrooms, library, toilet facilities, offices and other materials and infrastructures that would likely motivate students towards learning. Educational facilities are germane to effective learning and academic performance of students.
In support of this, Hallak (2008) identified facilities as the main factor contributing to academic performance in the school system.
Ajayi and Ogunyemi (2000) reiterated that when facilities  are provided to meet relative needs of a school system, students will also learn at their own paces. The net effect of this is increased overall academic performance of the entire students.
Fabunmi (2007) asserted that educational facilities is provided will aid teaching learning programme and consequently improve academic performance of students while the models guiding their provision to schools could take any form as whichever model is adopted, according to him, there is always a common feature of differing in the allocation of facilities to schools.    
(Wilcockson 2004, Lawal 2005, Ajayi 2006, Suleiman 2006) have variously identified the significance of facilities in teaching learning spheres we can say that absence or  poor quality of educational facilities can affect academic performance.
Statement Of The Problem
Inadequate facilities will surely affect the smooth teaching process in all schools. There are some problems outlined below encountered in schools duo to lack of adequate facilities, it is known that the academic performance of each students depends to a large extent on the facilities exposed to while learning but, when  they are lacking some problems is faced.
The first noted, peculiar problem would be generated when there is no inclusive teaching and learning conduction the conduciveness could be as a result of non-availability of facilities like tables and chairs in the classroom. There can never be way of concentration by students. Students cannot be expected to achieve any of the objectives at the end of the lesson.
Since the interest of the students are very low, they are going to also have a low level of understanding knowledge to be  imparted to the students would not be fully understand. Classrooms are lacking in many schools and in some schools were they can be found reagents and equipment are lacking. For instance student in business class who always learn in abstract, that is without practical knowledge of what teacher is saying cannot have effective learning and this will automatically affect his or her academic performance. It is observed that the student supply their acquired knowledge in effectively since they have not be enable to be taught with practical aspects but rather expressed to only theoretical aspects of their field of specialization, if they have been opportune to make use of facilities in different aspects they would have been effectively appropriate.
There are some problems outlined below encountered in schools.
·        Students ineffective study techniques
·        The parents inability to provide useful materials like textbook, notebook and school fees.
·        Inadequate instructional materials for teaching and learning of business study in schools.
·        Computers are lacking in many schools
·        There are not enough chairs and tables in the classroom, students cannot be expected to achieve any of the objective at the end of the lesson.
Purpose Of The Study
 The main objective of the study is to:
·        Investigate the impact of educational facilities on academic performance of business studies students in some selected secondary schools, like local government area of Ekiti State,
·        To determine the impact of educational facilities on the academic performance.
·        To identify the impact of educational facilities on academic  performance
·        To ascertain whether quantitative subject contributed to poor performance of business studies students.
 Scope of the Study
This study will be limited to a few selected secondary schools is under Ikere Local Government are of Ekiti State. The study convers the following schools:
·        Eleyo High School Ikere Ekiti
·        Amoye Grammar School Ikere Ekiti
·        Ikere High School Ikere Ekiti
·        African Comprehensive High School Ikere Ekiti
·        Ajolagun High School Ikere Ekiti.
Significance Of The Study
The research work is expected to identify the impact of educational facilities on the academic performance of business studies students in some selected Secondary School in Ikere Local Government Area. This is significant because the identification of causes and possible solutions to poor performance of students in business studies will help to remove the perennial poor performance in the learning of business studies on the parts of the students and draw attention of the improvement of their method. This study is significant in the fact that it could serve as a vital information aimed at showing the relationship that exist between adequate performance of students.
Research Questions
This project aims at the teaching facilities and how it affects the performance of students in some selected secondary schools. To solve the problem of the study the following research questions were formulated.
·        What are the problems encountered by schools without educational facilities?
·        Are there enough educational facilities in school?
·        Do educational facilities have impact on the academic performance of students?
·        How can government contribute to the improvement of educational facilities?
Definition Of Terms
Academic performance: This means the level of attainment on what the students have been able to achieve in terms of success in examination.
Educational facilities: This refers to all essential teaching aid and equipment in teaching and learning process, such facilities like desks, chairs, libraries. E.t.c.
Equipment: these are facilities used in thee school by both teachers and students, they include benches, desks, tables, for writing on.
Adequate: Enough in quantity on good enough in quality, for the purpose or need for effective academic performance.
Teaching: This is the passing of knowledge from an experienced person to an inexperienced person.
Effective: This is producing the result that is wanted or intended.
Education: This is the process of teaching and learning to improved knowledge and develop skills of an individual to the society.
Classroom: This is where teaching and learning takes places.



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