Title Page                                                                                          
Approval Page                                                                                 
Table of Contents                                                                                      
CHAPTER I:  INTRODUCTION                                                 
Background of the Study                                                                           
Statement of the Problem                                                                          
Purpose of the Study                                                                       
Significance of the Study                                                                           
Delimitation of the Study                                                                          
Research Questions                                                                          
Assumption of the Study                                                                           
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE                               
The Meaning and Functions of Reading                                           
Problems encountered in the teaching of reading
comprehension in English                                                                
Definition of Reading Skills                                                             
Types of Reading                                                                             
Teaching Reading Comprehension                                                   
Reading Comprehension Difficulties                                                
Linguistic comprehension as a source of poor reading comprehension     
Causes Poor Reading Comprehension                                                       
Factors Affecting the Teaching of Reading Comprehension            
Summary of Literature Reviewed                                                   
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY                                                        
Design of the Study                                                                         
Area of the Study                                                                             
Population of the Study                                                                   
Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                   
Instruments for Data Collection                                                                
Validity of the Instruments                                                              
Reliability of the Instruments                                                           
Methods of Data Collection                                                             
Methods of Data Analysis                                                               
Data Analysis                                                                                  
Discussion of Findings                                                                      
CHAPTER V:                                                                 
Implication of the study                                                                   
Suggestions for further Research                                                     

This study examined the method of teaching reading comprehension in Senior Secondary Schools in Ose Local Government Area of Ondo State. It adopted descriptive research design of survey type which comprises of all Senior Secondary Schools in Ose Local Government Area of Ondo State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 50 students from five selected schools in the study area. Questionnaire was used as instrument for the study. The data collected were analysed descriptively using percentage frequency. The results showed that teachers’ influence, poor mastery of English, unavailable instructional materials and inadequate time for reading are the problems militating against reading comprehension. There are also inadequate teachers to teach the subject in Ose Area. Other factors are: inadequate time allocated for the subject, inadequate facilities for teaching reading comprehension and interference of mother tongue. All these affect the teaching of reading comprehension in the secondary schools. It was therefore recommends that: Government should make provision for adequate well trained and certified teachers. Government can organise remedial courses, seminars and workshops for teacher to improve their reading skills and comprehension ability; teaching facilities including textbooks for both students and teachers should be adequately provided to facilitate effective reading in schools; school should try to de-emphasis mother tongue between teacher and students and vice-versa to promote the use of English in the school; the school authority should create more time in the school time table for the teaching of reading comprehension.  


Background of the Study
          Nigeria as a multi tribal nation with over two hundred (200) tribes, has English Language as her official language (Ennis, 1999). The language serves as medium of communication among the educated people. It is an international language widely spoken around the world. Countries where the language is being spoken include the Great Britain (The native country) Candida, United State of America, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Gambia, and Kenya among others (Brought 1960 and Gauneet, 1974). English services as the basis and key to all other subjects. As a result of this, it is pertinent therefore that student must be able to read fluently so as to enhance their performance in all the subject in the school curriculum.
          In the school system or society, no student can live or stay in isolation, hence the need for interaction arises, and this emphasizes the need for the student to be well equipped in the language. English language enhances teacher-students relationship as the teaching and learning in the classroom situation involves. In most cases, if not all, interaction among the teachers and the students are carried out in English.
          The National Policy on Education (1997 revised in 1981) stipulates as part of the goal of primary education that in Nigeria the inculcation of permanent literacy and normally and provision of specialism teacher of a particular subjects, such as language arts with special emphasis on reading.
          Reading which is defined as interpretation of printed written symbol into speech or its mental equivalent is introduced to students in a school setting (Johnson, 1979). It becomes paramount to observe the performance of students in reading comprehension.
Reading helps students’ foster comprehension because, as students read longer passages, they unify what they have read over the course of the text. This ability requires students to synthesize information, decode and define words, and integrate what they are reading into what they already know. Comprehension is also affected when students do not have a rich vocabulary because they are unable to apply word knowledge to the current context. It is observed today that students are no longer interested in reading. This necessitates the present study.
Statement of the Problem
According to Lerner (2006), a number of learners, for unexplained reasons, are unable to use reading as a tool for learning, getting new information, ideas, attitudes, and values in secondary schools. Even after they have been taught, it is quite unfortunate that a large number (17.5 per cent) of them are unable to read efficiently at higher class levels (Lerner, 2006). According to Mercer and Mercer (2001), between 10 per cent and 15 per cent of school - going learners have reading difficulties. The government planned to achieve education for all (EFA) by 2015 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2030 through provision of quality education that is accessible and relevant to the lives of all children including those with special Needs (MOEST, May 2009) as many children experience learning difficulties and thus have special educational needs at some time during their schooling pre-service training programmes should provide a positive orientation towards special needs to all teachers (Salamanca, 1994).
Being able to read is a magic key to all learning, yet, reading has proved to be a great problem to many learners worldwide, including secondary schools in Ose Local Government Area. This has grossly and negatively affected the education quality of the states. Suggestions and theories (in a bid to improve the situation) have been tried and governments have cheeped in, but the problem remains. The researcher is of the conviction that it is only when the children’s abilities to learn are understood and when the problems that hinder them from learning are explored, that the panacea to the reading problem can be found.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to examine problems of reading comprehension in Senior Secondary Schools in Ose Local Government Area of Ondo State. It specifically;
1.      examines the problems military against the teaching of reading comprehension;
2.      examines whether there are adequate specialist teachers to handle reading comprehension in senior secondary schools;
3.      examines whether the time allocated to the teaching of reading comprehension adequate;
4.      examines whether there are enough and relevant facilities for the teaching of reading comprehension in senior secondary schools and
5.      examines the interference from the language of immediate environment reading on comprehension.
Significance of the Study
This study will be of benefit to students, teachers, government and educational stakeholders in Nigeria generally and Ose Local Government Area in particular.
The study will assist students to identify the difficulties that often confront them in the process of reading comprehension and how to provide solution to them.
Teachers in the schools especially the English teachers will find this study useful. It will reveal the causes and reason why students find it difficult to read fluently and comprehend meaningfully the passage being read.
Government of the state will also find this study useful. It will exposed to the government the root source of poor reading habit and enable them take necessary measures that will reduce or bring a lasting solutions to the problems.
Educational stakeholders will benefit from the study. This will encourage them to contribute meaningfully to revive the reading culture among secondary school students.
Delimitation of the Study
          This study is delimited to method of teaching reading comprehension as a factor to be considered to ensure better performance in English in secondary schools. The study focus only on the students and English Language Teachers in the selected schools.
Research Questions
          The following research questions were drawn to assist the study.
1.     What are the problems military against the teaching of reading comprehension
2.     Are there adequate specialist teachers to handle reading comprehension in senior secondary schools?
3.     Is the time allocated to the teaching of reading comprehension adequate?
4.     Are there enough and relevant facilities for the teaching of reading comprehension in senior secondary schools?
5.     Does interference from the language of immediate environment reading comprehension?
Assumption of the Study
          The study assumes that poor reading is a menace common among students at all level especially in Ose Local Government Area of Ondo State. It is believes that most of these problems are associated to students’ and parents’ educational background. Also, majority of the printed materials are written in a language different from the mother tongue of which students are familiar with. It is believed that this study will serve as a panacea to this ugly situation in the study area.

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