The use of the Internet and the web as well as the emerging of different communication channels have brought the world closer and contributed to the concepts of globalization and the extended enterprise also, the information society demands a workforce that can use technology as a tool to increase productivity and creativity. The educational sector at large has been one of the beneficiaries of the use of different information and communication technology tools and techniques. Information is a key resource for student teaching, learning, research, and publishing. This project examines the use of emerging information and communication technology tools in teaching and learning of Computer education, identifying the reliable sources of information, effectively accessing these sources of information, synthesizing and communicating that information to colleagues and beneficiaries and the need for effective methods of information processing and effectiveness of using unconventional technologies in delivering Computer knowledge especially in the area of practical among secondary schools in Ekiti State.

Title                                                                               Page No
Title page                                                                               
Table of contents                                                                   
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
Background of the Study                                                                 
Statement of the Problem                                                                 
Purpose of the Study                                                              
Significance of the Study                                                                 
Scope of the Study                                                                           
Research Question                                                                           
Definition of Terms                                                                
CHAPTER TWO: Review Literature Review
The Need for ICT Application in Nigeria Secondary Schools
ICT Application in Nigerian Secondary Schools                    
The Role of Information and Communication                                                                                                                \
 Technology in Nigerian Educational System                                   
Problems Militating Against the Use of ICT in                                                             Secondary Schools in Nigeria                                                 
Benefit of Information Communication Technology              
CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology
Research Design                                                                     
Population of the Study                                                          
Sample and Sampling Technique                                           
Research Instrument                                                               
Validity of Instrument                                                            
Reliability of the Instrument                                                   
Procedure for Data Collection                                                
Method of Data Analysis                                                                 
CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Analysis of Data
Discussion of the Findings                                                     
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
Suggestion for other Research                                                


Background of the Study
Most teachers leave teacher training institutions with limited knowledge of ways technology can be effectively used in their professional practice. In this age of digitization, being able to effectively apply technology should be high on the list of what teachers at all levels of our education should know and be able to teach with the use of instructional materials. There is substantial evidence that, if used appropriately for specific purposes in specific contexts, technology can be an effective tool in supporting teaching and learning. The way Information communication Technology (ICT) has been used in the education can be divided into two broad categories 1) ICT for Education and (2) ICT in Education. ICT for education refers to the development of information and communication technology specifically for teaching/ learning purposes, while ICT in Education involves the adoption of general components of technologies in teaching and learning process, more specifically, often for the training of teachers in the use of technology for teaching (Olakulehin, 2007). Similarly, UNESCO (2004) classifies ICT in education into three broad categories: (1) pedagogy (2) training, and (3) continue education. Pedagogy is focused on the effective learning of subjects with the support of the various components of ICT. Olakulehin (2007) emphasizes that the pedagogic application of ICT involves effective learning with the aid of computers and other information technologies as learning aids, which play complementary roles in the classroom, rather than supplementing the teacher.
Training is the transfer of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) through structured learning and follow-up activities to solve job performance problems. Advance in science and technology creates the need for ICT training for teachers in secondary schools. Each of the major technological advancements in computer produces a whole generation of computers. This means new training for all people who use the computer. It has been observed that after teachers had attended professional development courses in ICT, yet they did not know how to use ICT in their classrooms, instead they just know how to run a computer and set up a printer. Bello (2000), argued that if teachers are to be convinced of the value of using ICT in their training, their training should focus on the pedagogical issues. Providing pedagogical training for teachers rather than simply training them to use ICT tools, is an important issue (Joseph, 2004). It is clear from these points that ICT can help teachers to teach and students to learn more effectively.
Many researchers have been devoted to ICT to understand the factors that can influence learning such as the multimedia effect – in which students learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone, the coherence effect  in which students learn more deeply when extraneous material is excluded rather than included, the spatial contiguity effect – in which students learn more deeply when printed words are placed near than rather than far from corresponding pictures and the personalization effect – in which students learn more deeply when words are presented in conversational rather than formal style (Mayer, 2011). Relations with modelling have been largely explorer so are the benefit of exploring the possibilities of multiple representations (Kozma & Roussel, 2007). The way technology can augment the cognitive and social processes of scientific understanding and learning has been largely commented (Kozma 2010). The use of surface features has been positively and negatively described. It may shape the students’ understanding and are profitable (Kozma,2010), or be used with no understanding and lead students to copy and paste information with low learning.
The use of models in science has been related to the importance of modelling activities in learning and interactive learning environments that associate constructivist learning with computer applications allow students to interact with accessible dynamic representations of models (Jackson 2011). Learning models is a challenge that can be helped by dynamic representations. Our theoretical approach is based on modelling to analyze both the knowledge in Social Studies and the cognitive activity of the learner.
Statement of the Problem
Information Communication Technology (ICT) relevance and  positive effects as instructional resource for the teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools in Ekiti State is a noticeable improvement among the various institutions and academic output. It is noted that uses of ICT equipment in teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools does not only assist the teachers in carrying out their job effectively but also render qualitative service output to the entire academic community  of the Nation.
Objectives of the Study
In spite the introduction of modern ICT equipment, this research work will look deeply in the effects of ICT on the teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools in Ekiti State.
Finally, it is the objectives of this research work to fish both the relevance and problems of ICT in the teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools in Ekiti State of Nigeria in the Era of modern Information communication Technology.
Significant of the Study
The introduction of ICT into Nigerian Education System clearly changes the way education is conducted.
            This research work will help the Governments, Ministry of Education in Nigeria, Students and readers to understand those benefits that Information Communication Technology (ICT) embodies which we have neglected with in the past. In understanding this on the side of the government, it will allow them to rethink and work towards real implementation of it thereby creating a room for the rapid growth and development of the education sector. At the other hand, it will go a long way to create an avenue for more academic research.
Haven known this, it is worthy to conclude that the main beneficiaries of this study lies on the government and other readers respectively.
Research Questions
In view of this study, the following research questions have been formulated to ascertain how ICT could have be a catalyst to effective use of information by students.
1.               Are there enough ICTs facilities available to Social Studies Students for use?
2.               Is there any relationship between usage of Modern ICT facilities and Teachers’ productivity as reflected in students’ academic results?
3.               Is there any relationship between the usage of ICT facilities by Social Studies teachers in secondary schools and the teaching and learning of Social Studies in Ekiti State.
Research Hypothesis
Ho1: Modern ICT facilities are not adequately available in Nigeria secondary schools.
Ho2:  There are no significant relationship between the usage of ICT facilities by Social Studies teachers in secondary schools and the teaching and learning of Social Studies in Ekiti State.
Ho3: There is a great significant relationship between usage of Modern ICT facilities and Teachers’ productivity as reflected in students’ academic results.
Scope of the Study
The scope of this research work focused strictly on the effects of information communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning of Social Studies in secondary schools in Ekiti State. This work will lead us to the evolution of ICT in Ekiti State and also examine how the academic field (teaching and learning) is fairing in this Era of Information Communication Technology.
Limitation to the Study
On the course of this research, the following problems were encountered, like short time frame. Financial problem, scarcity of information or data, etc. this is due to mainly, the wide scope of this study which emphasizes on a complexity of numbers of secondary schools in Ekiti State of Nigeria. Now, the implication is that the short time frame mapped out for this research work posed a problem of assessing these programs as whole, but that doesn’t threat the authentication and quality of this work, because of these, this study is limit to Junior Secondary Schools in Ekiti State

1.      Information Communication Technology (ICT): is generally refers to ‘computers and computing related activities’. Computers and their application play a significant role in modern information management, other technologies and/or systems also comprise of the phenomenon that is commonly regarded as ICTs. According to UNESCO (2002) information and communication technology (ICT) may be regarded as the combination of ‘Informatics technology’ with other related technology, specifically communication technology. Informatics refers to the science dealing with the design, realization, evaluation, use and maintenance of information processing systems, including hardware, software, organizational and human aspects, and the industrial, commercial, governmental and political implications of these. Informatics Technology on the other hand is defined as the technological applications (artifacts) of informatics in society. INFORMATION: facts or details that tell you something about situation person events.
2.      COMMUNICATION: It is the transmission of information or idea. It means the use of mechanical arts and applied science e.g. Engineering.
3.      EDUCATION: Is what prepares an individual to accommodate and to contribute positively to the development of his/her society.
4.      COMPUTER: It is an electronic device that accepts data as to give information as an output.
5.      NEPAD: New Partnership for Africa Development.
6.      I.C.T: Information Communication Technology.


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